Thursday, 17 April 2008

Can anybody save Shambo?

A corpse claps hands like a pebble in a window pane - Benjamin Peret

nobody reads poetry nowadays
it doesn't matter if it's good or bad
- Nicanor Parra

Assuming you can get over the initial feeling of queasiness, The Enema Bandit is a genuinely hilarious movie - Jonathan Ross

By the grace of God, we,
King of all chickens The Unclean have fried,
and Grand Duke of all eggs said chickens have laid,
- Vladimir Mayakovsky

The surrealists promised a new world, but they merely delivered 'mysteries of Paris'. They promised a new faith, but did that really mean anything? Oh literature, what petty crimes are committed in your name! - Henri Lefebvre

Here's the truth simply stated. . . bookstores are suffering from a serious crisis of falling sales. - Louis-Ferdinand Celine

People are ashamed, not of the injustices they do, but of those they receive. - Giacomo Leopardi

1 comment:

Vera X. said...

I thought given the Mayakovsky quote and the quip about surrealism that you might be interested in the website for a new novel Reconstructing Mayakovsky. The site,
is fun, inventive and interactive. Like the novel, it combines elements of science fiction, poetry, the detective story and historical fiction to tell the story of Mayakovsky in a radically different way.
If you enjoy it, I hope you’ll share it with your friends or on your blog. Thanks.